
feeding time

"Feeding Time"

Based on some very nice comments on my blog, conversations and overwhelming pats-on-the-back, I decided to have another play around with mixed-media.  

This time last year I was preparing to move to Botswana.  I was to spend a year there doing research with a celebrated research group.  I was pretty stoked about the opportunity and while quietly cautious about how it would 'be', excitedly thought that it would be a wonderful 12 months of adventure, learning and fun.  Three months later I was back in europe.  What went wrong?  Many things.  Wrong job. Wrong time. Wrong place.  I spent three months staring down a chasm of everything that was 'wrong' with "Africa" (sic).  It made me cynical and jaded long before most ex-pats get over the honeymoon romance of sunsets and servants. It made me question my research, the aid industry and fundamentally question the role of the white man in africa.   I haven't talked about it much except to say that it 'wasn't good'.  'Feeding Time' is my tribute to those three months and what I learned.


Stella said...

Wow, sounds intense! Love the image and the fact that it has so much meaning associated!

Diana Mieczan said...

I didnt know you went there...That is so interesting! This is so deep and beautiful and the image speaks 1000 words:)
Greetings, sweetie and have a great day!

bicocacolors said...

What a interesting expirience for you!!!
can i recommend you to read Marlo Morgan´s book?
in Spanish "Las voces del desierto", you'll love.

Silver Strands said...

Wow - what a great tribute! The picture is fantastic.