Yes! I finally finished the Vest. This has been a labour of love and I'll admit, a bit of a battle (see here, here or here for proof). Indeed, the idea for this project was conceived when I was in Botswana and now almost 18 months later and worlds away it is finally, finally finished.
Finishing this project, sewing in the ends, blocking and fitting has made me think a lot about this knitting love of mine. I first started knitting while I was workng night-shifts. It was an activity that kept my hands busy and my eyes awake and yet was an easy enough 'thing' to put down and pick-up if and when I was needed. As I knitted through the night I was also surprised to discover that knitting was incredibly relaxing. Now, several years on, I find that it is still my go-to activity when I need to de-stress. The rhythmic clicking of the needles, the repetitive stitches amd the concentration required to follow a complex pattern, all of these things allow me to relax and almost meditate away from life's ills. It is very much a craft where the process is as much a part of the reason "I knit" as the end product.
But I do love an end result! And I'm very happy that this project is off the needles and being happily worn by it's recipient. The details, if you're interested, are on my Ravelry page... and before I go, a few pictures that I managed to take of my favourite model - as always, modelling under sufferance but I believe, happy to be wearing his new knitted gift.

oh my! I love this! Beautiful, stunning work. Look at that tiny, gorgeous gauge. Well done! I love Rowan Felted tweed. Great choice!
I am SO IMPRESSED! It looks so great.
you are sooo talented! wow this is amazing and your husband looks perfect in it!
Wow that is so impressive! I tried knitting years ago but never quite got past making a scarf. The detail and intricate patterns in this are amazing. Well done!
Very impressive!! I am just learning to sew and crochet!
WOW! Very impressive.
oh bear im so proud that you got it finished, you are so determined!!! you inspire me to do all sorts of things!!!
Oh my golly! You made that whole vest? I'm so impressed. That's some real talent. My grandmother knew how to do thing like this; I'd love to pick it up someday too.
the shade of blue is divine .. what a big accomplishment, a work of art
I know nothing about how to knit, but your description of how relaxing it is, is enticing. The vest is the colours and patterns. I applaud you. Wish I knew someone who knitted and loved to give their projects away. :)
What talent you have! The colors are absolutely perfect, too. Well done.
So looks great!
Gosh, this is gorgeous Clare!
I am so in awe, since about all I can manage is a scarf.
Truly a work of art!!
looks great clare (and matthius!!) congrats on finishing it.
That's an amazing vest!! I've still got a half knitted cardigan laying unfinished in a bag somewhere...I'm so impressed you managed to finish something so complicated looking, it's beautiful!
wow, i can't believe you made that! i really need to work on my knitting but it always feels weird to knit when it's 40C outside :)
it turned out wonderfully and the colours go so well together
Wow, cannot believe that you did this yourself! I am planning to start my knitting career on the weekend, any good tip with what I should start? Scarf?
And Mattihas is a great model!! :)
Viele Gruesse, Kristina
This is amazing!!! learning to know is on my 'to do' list... so far i have knitted about 6 rows and thats it! haha! i really want to be able to knit my own socks - for some reason i am enchanted by the idea of hand knitted socks!
im very impressed :) kel xx
You had to rip it out to correct the sleeves. Oh my. This is gorgeous and makes me want to pull out my basic knitting sweater that I have had now for about three years! It is addictive and relaxing. I can't wait to study your photo tips...I so need to get off the automatic setting on my camera.
That's an amazing vest! I'm so impressed that you tackled that colourwork in it, too. :) Lovely job!
looks great! i have not even tried to tackle any fair isle knitting yet.
you are really talented!!
Oh my! It's a masterpiece! I am sure he will treasure it for ages! Gorgeous!
I am completely impressed! I can't even sew on a button, so this is a masterpiece! Love the beautiful colors, and what a special gift. (I really need to take up knitting just for the beautiful pictures of yarn. So pretty!)
That is AMAZING! And I'm very sorry about your Sketchbook Project fail... It looked so promising! Hopefully it'll see the light of day again sometime...
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