
More Animals

Baby (!) Rhino

Female Odu

Male Odu

Warthog (Akuna Matata)

After Saturday's taste of some African animals at the Gabs Game Reserve, on Sunday I spent a few hours at Mokolodi. Mokolodi is much bigger than Gabs Game Reserve, but still too small for predators. Driving around in a borrowed 4WD watching Impala and Wilderbeast chomping on grass was nice, but the true 'treat' came at the end when I nearly ran over the Rhinos asleep beside the road.


Clare said...

When I was a young wart hoooooooog!!!!!

Clare said...

It's spelt like this:
Hakuna Matata(English)

Watch on youtube, it will put a big smile on your face, great happy song :)

This is the song Hakuna Matata from The Lion King ..

Clare said...

oh my goodness ... is it 'spelled'? very sorry, terrible speller myself.