

20140206_Mimi Pigtails_018 as Smart Object-1"A portrait of my daughter, once a week, every week, in 2014."

E: All cheek, both in mind and body. After much discussion you decided you wanted to get your hair cut. It took all my strength as a mother to allow you this choice - I have so very much loved your pigtails.

Linking up with Jodi.

This picture looks all together green on blogger but it seems fine in Adobe Bridge and okay in Flickr. Strange?! I'm reluctant to edit it again before hitting publish and seeing how it looks 'on the web'. What do you think; have I made little E green at the gills or is it just my imagination?


Anonymous said...

Looks perfect to me. A very gorgeous cheeky capture ;) x

Anonymous said...

Not sure about the green but looking very much like Aunty Elle here!!