
This week I'm eating...

A little late, I know. But I've been distracted by trying to fit too much into the week at the consequence of sleep and my intended Halloween Blog Week. More winter vegies in the bottom of my fridge. Butternut pumpkin, turnips, spinach, leeks, brussel sprouts (still on the stem!), lettuce, spinach, celery root... I've tried to capture a few "out and about" Halloween shots, but have not succeeded very well.
On Wednesday I went Karoke Singing with a group from school where Witches Brew was the drink of choice.
Complete with small spider climbing out of the bowl.

My poor pumpkin - not aging gracefully. And a taste of things to come... A great story for next week.

1 comment:

jane_8888 said...

your fridge looks chockers!! not surprised your halloween pumpkin couldn't fit in.
halloween looks like fun too! was the halloween party dress up? after such a creative invitation, there should have been some impressive costumes as well!