As a bit of a tangent to this, I had a fortune teller read my cards in August when I was in Brighton and she said that for the next three months I need to be selfish and put myself first. Well, I'm a skeptic at heart and afterwards I thought some not so nice things about how obvious her advice was given that at the time I was running on limited sleep and a bit of stress about an impending work presentation. Anyway, back to Simple Soulful. The first two classes have been about 'taking care of yourself' and 'making space'. Sound familiar? And as I've reflected this week I've realised that I'm absolutely exhausted. It's been creeping up on me for a few weeks, but I'm pooped. Not in a way that comes from too much work, or too much running around and definitely not the kind of exhausted you get after a day of physical activity. Oh no, I'm the running on empty batteries, emotionally drained kind of exhausted. It's been a tough year - amazing and fun and full of wonderful memories, but tough.
And so I've started running again. I'm possibly the worst runner in the world, but I quite enjoy the quietness of it and the peace of just being with "me" for a little while. And, becuase we both need a break quite badly, this weekend Matthias and I are having a mini-break up at Usedom. A bit of a last minute decision but we're catching the train on Friday night, spending a night in Zinnowitz and will be back in Berlin on Saturday evening. We're unplugging, unhooking, signing out and spending 24 hours on the beaches of the Baltic sea.
What are you doing to take care of you?

Have a wonderful weekend - Usedom sounds great! I will go hiking tomorrow, looking forward.
To recharge my batteries I go running or I do Yoga. And a bit of retail theraphy also helps me to get through those days... :)
Viele Gruesse, Kristina
Yay! I am doing the simply soulful eclass too! AND I run, I just found out I got a place in the london marathon in the ballet (I have tried for 5 years!) so I start training for 25 weeks soon. Congratulations on your wins and awards and enjoy your weekend away.
I can't tell you how much I can relate to this post - I was actually thinking about writing along similar lines but I'm too exhausted - snort! I'm feeling quite similar, as I've had an extraordinary year in Germany but I'm reaching a point of complete exhaustion, like an exhaustion that can't be touched. I think your idea of going away for a nice weekend is a good one, and always good for the soul (I think we're planning a similar "unplugging" trip to Malta the first week of November).
I've also been thinking that I need to take better care of ME. This weekend I plan to spend some time in quiet meditation/stillness like I used to do. This afternoon I sat out on our balcony, warming myself in the sunshine, and managed to turn a pretty bad mood around. :-) It was good to step back, look at the big picture, the GOOD things, and give myself a ton of loving self-talk. Tonight The Mann is out so I'm planning on barricading myself in the apartment and watching some favorite movies.
Have a fantastic and restful weekend! Can't wait to see some photos! :-)
enjoy . take a deep breath .
I'm so excited you've taken up running again! It makes me feel so great! I also like to read and escape into the stories when I need a break from the real world.
Enjoy your unplugged time (and send a bit of your luck my way.)
Definitely need to start thinking about that, as I seem to be constantly "straight out." Great post, and enjoy your weekend away.
Enjoy your weekend. Everyone should do something selfish for themselves.
Unfortunately, taking some me time right now is difficult. The hubs is getting his MBA and working full time, so I've got the dude most of the time...and he doesn't think mama needs alone time. HA! I hope you have a fabulous getaway!
It must be in the air, I feel drained as well. Unfortunately, I won't get a break until mid-December. I envy your weekend getaway, hope it is refreshing and rejuvenating.
What do I do to take care of myself?
As your fortune teller said, be selfish. The feeling you have by 'being selfish' is what you need to change in yourself. You take care of yourself when you say no to someone or something because then you say yes to yourself. And if you allow yourself, not to feel quilty at those times, you won't feel selfish but you feel like taking care for yourself...
Do you know what I mean? I had a burnout for two years. Still getting out of it. Still taking some steps. I was exhausted but ignored the signs, kept going.
Good for you that you start running and that you are going out! Please, take good care of yourself!! You deserve a good energy level! *liset
Have a great weekend, I hope you get some rest!
What AM I doing to take care of myself? I'm not entirely sure. I think the knitting is helping. I wish I had time to consciously unplug for a day soon. Hope your 24 hours of unplugging helps!
I adore running...
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