One of the things that I have fallen in love with this summer in Vienna has been the Heuriger. The best translation of Heuriger is Wine Hall, but for me it could be loosely defined as the 'Austrian Summer Pub/Beer Garden'.
Traditionally the Heuriger (today's wine) was owned by the local winemaker and served the most recent vintage's wine over the summer months. Today they run throughout the year, but still serve wine direct from the vineyard in 1/2 litre bottles. Mixed with mineral water it makes a delicious and refreshing evening drink.
To add to the unique experience many Heuriger still employ musicians to play traditional Viennese and Austrian folk songs. The first time I visited the Heuriger someone whispered in their ears that I was Australian and one of the first songs that they played our table was 'Waltzing Matlida'. It was a really touching experience to be so far from home, in an Austrian Heuriger and hear a song from home played on the Accordion and Guitar. Very special.
This will probably be my last post from Vienna. On Thursday I leave for Botswana and the adventure will continue there.